The DreamCloud Project

The main objective addressed by DreamCloud is to enable dynamic resource allocation in many-core embedded and high performance systems while providing appropriate guarantees on performance and energy efficiency.

DreamCloud will address techniques to allocate computation and communication workloads onto computing platforms during run-time whilst respecting performance and energy budget requirements. To achieve this, DreamCloud brings together teams from embedded computing and high- performance computing (HPC) to address these common ambitious yet achievable goals:

  • Provide complex embedded systems with cloud-like capabilities such as those available in today’s high-performance computing, allowing them to dynamically tune resource usage but without sacrificing critical application-specific constraints in performance and energy.
  • Enable HPC and cloud computing systems to balance workload and manage resources so that they can offer more meaningful guarantees in terms of performance and energy, focussing not only on improving average behaviour but also on reducing variability and upper bounds of timing and energy metrics.

DreamCloud brings together industrial partners from deeply embedded systems (e.g. automotive), consumer embedded systems (e.g. household media), and high performance computing (e.g. HPC platforms); academic partners from embedded systems, real-time systems and HPC. This will enable DreamCloud to develop better approaches by  cross-fertilising  expertise  and  experience from  multiple  industrial  domains  and  academic  communities.

Click the video below for an introduction to the project and technologies being developed.

DreamCloud is a Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) of the Seventh Framework Programme for research and technological development (FP7) - the European Union's chief instrument for funding research projects that commence over the period 2007 to 2013.

FP7 ICT News

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